Why puppy classes are so important

Q: Why do I need puppy training classes?

Puppy Training Classes

Your puppy knows how to sit and come. He knows the basics of heeling. So, why would you want to bother with puppy training classes? There are several great reasons to take classes, even if your puppy has learned the basics.

One of the most important purposes of a puppy training class has nothing to do with obedience commands. These classes help puppies learn important socialization skills. They have to learn to get along with other dogs, they are exposed to strange smells and noises and they get fussed over by a bunch of puppy lovers. Socialization can mean the difference between owning a weird dog that hides under stuff and an outgoing, jolly friend that loves company.

…read more … https://puppy.lifetips.com/faq/138842/0/why-do-i-need-puppy-training-classes/index.html

Formal training
Even if your puppy is doing well with “homeschooling,” you should still enroll him in socialization classes.

Enrollment for puppy classes typically begins at 8 to 10 weeks of age, and is usually limited to puppies under 5 months of age. One of the biggest benefits of a well-run puppy class is that it provides an important opportunity for socializing with other puppies and people outside the family.

…read more … https://www.hillspet.com/dog-care/formal-training-puppy.html